Effects of testosterone therapy in women – new systematic review and meta-analysis Banner

Effects of testosterone therapy in women – new systematic review and meta-analysis

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It has been over a decade since the last systematic review and meta-analysis on the effects of testosterone for women was conducted as an update to the the 2005 Cochrane Review .

In January 2019 the medical journal Systematic Reviews published the proctcol for a review that will identify and evaluate studies that have examined the effects of testosterone therapy for women on a range of outcomes including sexual fucntion, cardiovascular events, metabolic paramaters, musculosketetal health, wellbeing, cancer events, androgenic effects and withdrawal rates.

Researchers from the Women’s Health Research Program and the School of Publoic Health and Preventive Medicine at Monash University in Melbourne will undertake the comprehensive systematic review with meta-analysis.

The authors state “This review will provide a critical basis for the development of evidence-based clinical guidelines for the indications and contra-indications to therapy, the benefits and risks of therapy, the areas of clinical uncertainty and the assessment and monitoring of patients.” 

Reference: Systematic Reviews (2019) 8:19 Free PMC

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