EDUCATION: View presentations on testosterone management in men and women

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View presentations on testosterone management in men and women

In June 2017 the Lawley website added a ‘Health Professional Section’.

This password protected learning area will enable doctors and allied health professionals to gain immediate and free access to the most recent testosterone clinical research updates, CPD and non-CPD learning materials on testosterone use in both men an women.

In late 2016 and during 2017 Lawley has run physician education evenings with key note speakers  Dr Chris McMahon and Dr Lesley Yee, Sydney and Professors Susan Davis and Carolyn Allan, Melbourne. These sessions were recorded and can be viewed online.

Our KOL’s took many questions from the audience which made for a lively Q & A session.

Other presenters on the website include A/Prof John Eden, Prof. Robert McLachlan, Prof. Sonia Davison and endocrinologist Dr Chelsea McMahon.

Education section topics include:

Androgen Deficiency in Women: What to measure and when to treat

4th May 2017, Melbourne Presented by: Professor Susan Davis

Susan Davis image

To view Click here

The Role of Testosterone in Women

23rd March 2017, Sydney Presented by: Dr Lesley Yee

Lesley Yee image

To view Click here

Testosterone in Men: Sorting Fact from Fiction and Future Developments.

4th May 2017, Melbourne Presented by: Clinical Associate Professor Carolyn Allan

Carolyn Allan 2

To view Click here

Contemporary Management of Testosterone Deficiency in Men

23rd March 2017, Sydney Presented by: Dr Chris McMahon

Chris McMahon

To view Click here

We plan to hold similar evenings in Brisbane, Perth and Adelaide. To be notified of when these are scheduled please email

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